Polanco is a neighborhood where restaurants often reflect an anthropized version of nature, shaped by one of Mexico City’s oldest districts. While serving human-centered purposes, the landscape frequently showcases exotic or even invasive gardens and plants.

Goya Taller’s gardeners transform this dynamic, blending ecological, cultural, and practical design. Drawing inspiration from the distorted reflections of the entrance’s sphere, they shift toward unpolished aesthetics, creating a layered garden that emphasizes native plants and natural elements.

Rooted in Polanco’s alkaline soils and transitional ecosystems, the design incorporates grasses, Mexican clinopodium, and Justicia species. These plants not only echo the area’s ecological heritage but also serve functional purposes, such as screening parking meters along the adjacent roads.

The result is a harmonious space that redefines urban landscaping through a balance of nature and utility.

Year: 2024

Location: Polanco, Mexico Cit, Mexico.

Status: Installed

Photographer: Andrea Dorantes